Legal Beagle Blog

  • Laptop computer, open notebook, and a pair of eye glasses

    Week in the Law Library Life: Dean Ortiz

    This week, we start a new blog series, Week in the Law Library Life. While you may know some of the full-time library staff members, 8 in total, you may wonder what exactly we do in the library. Some

  • Welcome Back

    Welcome Back!

    Happy New Year and welcome back to a new semester! Ready to start fresh in the Spring semester? Don’t forget, there are many ways in which the RWU School of Law Library can help you have a successful

  • Collage of elephants, penguin, red panda, jelly fish, dog, panda, brown bear, cat beluga whale, otter, giraffe

    End of Semester Reminders

    This time of year, is often associated with gratitude and peace. For higher education students, this time of year is often associated with stress and finals. It can be an extremely challenging time

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