Data Request Form

This form is for School of Law Staff/Faculty use only.

  • Request for information from the Registrar's Office must be from a verifiable Roger Williams email address.

The requestor must agree to the following conditions:

  • Will not disclose the requested information to any third parties
  • To keep information in a secure area
  • To share information only with those authorized in accordance with FERPA
  • To destroy information in a manner that completely protects confidentiality
    of the student or to return unwanted or un-used information to the Registrar’s Office

Disclosure of any information to unauthorized parties or failure to comply with any of
the above constitutes a violation of the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA).

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

Enter the following information:


Please give a brief description of what information is needed and what the intended purpose will be. Please be as specific as possible.
Output (check all that apply)
Our timeframe for responding to data requests can vary depending on workload within our office. To ensure we can meet your desired timeline, please submit your request at least 5-7 days prior to when the information is needed.