Chiara Trabucchi

Contact Information
ctrabucchi@rwu.eduChiara Trabucchi is a nationally recognized expert in financial risk management and the design of financial settlement frameworks tailored for the protection of the public trust. She is an expert in evaluating the financial integrity of business, non-profit and governmental organizations, including financial damages associated with lost profits, property diminution, economic benefit of noncompliance, and natural resource damages.
Ms. Trabucchi has testified in numerous forums on issues related to financial settlements for large-scale environmental damages. She served as an invited expert on design considerations for financial risk management before the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. She has testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, as well as before the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs.
Ms. Trabucchi is a Principal and shareholder of Industrial Economics, Incorporated in Cambridge, MA. She has served as the firm’s Chief Financial Officer, as a Director of the Foundation Board of the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and as a member of the U.S. EPA’s Environmental Financial Advisory Board, the U.S. DOE’s National Risk Assessment Partnership Stakeholder Group, and the University of California, Santa Barbara Bren School of Environmental Management, Eco-Entrepreneurship Advisory Council. Ms. Trabucchi is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts, Forensic and Valuation Services.