John Chung

J.D., Harvard
B.A., Washington University
Keenly interested in the relationship between consumer debt and bankruptcy, Professor John Chung recently testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on proposed bankruptcy legislation regarding abusive credit card practices. A prolific author, Professor Chung’s articles cover many legal topics including bankruptcy, international law, and contracts. Academia is not alone in recognizing Professor Chung’s talents. Both the RWU 2009 and 2012 graduating classes voted him Professor of the Year.
Many of Professor Chung’s remarkable teaching skills come from his extensive background as a commercial lawyer. As a partner in the Los Angeles firm Katten Munchen & Zavis, Professor Chung devoted a significant portion of his practice representing secured creditors in bankruptcy court. While employed for the United Nations, he worked for the Compensation Commission originated by the UN to process claims and award compensation for losses resulting from Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Professor Chung teaches contracts, sales, secured transactions and bankruptcy at RWU.
"The Legality of Online Daily Fantasy Sports versus the Illegality of Online Poker", 27 Roger Williams University Law Review 1 (2022).
"Rethinking the Role of NGOs in an Era of Extreme Wealth Inequality: The Example of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation", 26 Roger Williams University Law Review 1 (2021).
"Nation-States and Their Operations in Planting of Malware in Other Countries: Is It Legal Under International Law", 80 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 33 (2018).
"Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, and Market Failure", 96 Oregon Law Review 441 (2018).
"Wealth Inequality as Explained by Quantitative Easing and Law’s Inertia", 85 UMKC Law Review 275 (2017).
"The Role of Naval Power in the Development of Customary International Law", 34 Quinnipiac Law Review 39 (2015).
"Twenty Years of Impact: The Role of the Law School’s Alumni in Rhode Island History", 19 Roger Williams University Law Review 679 (2014)(Twentieth Anniversary Edition).
"In re Qimonda AG: The Conflict Between Comity and the Public Policy Exception in Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code", 32 Boston University International Law Journal 89 (2014).
"A Fundamental Flaw with UNCITRAL’s Approach to Cross-Border Secured Transactions: The Failure To Address Creditor Due Diligence Issues", 20 American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review 557 (2012).
"Customary International Law as Explained by Status, Instead of Contract", 37 North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial Regulation 609 (2012).
"From Feudal Land Contracts to Financial Derivatives: The Treatment of Status through Specific Relief", 29 Review of Banking & Financial Law 107 (2009).
"Money as Simulacrum: The Legal Nature and Reality of Money", 5 Hastings Business Law Journal 109 (2009).
"Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code and its Implicit Assumptions regarding the Foreign Exchange Market", 76 Tennessee Law Review 67 (2008).
"Promissory Estoppel and the Protection of Interpersonal Trust", 56 Cleveland State Law Review 37 (2008).
"The Retrogressive Flaw of Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code: A Lesson from Maritime Law", 17 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 253 (2007).
"The New Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code: A Step Toward Erosion of National Sovereignty", 27 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 89 (2006).
"The United Nations Compensation Commission and the Balancing of Rights between Individual Claimants and the Government of Iraq", 10 U.C.L.A. Journal of International Law & Foreign Affairs 141 (2005).