Bar Exam Certifications

The Bar Exam

The bar exam is offered twice per year – once in February and once in July.  It is generally a two-day examination, although it lasts three days in some jurisdictions. There are two types of bar exams: UBE (Uniform Bar Examination) and non-UBE. UBE exams are always the last Tuesday and Wednesday of February and July. Most non-UBE jurisdictions follow the UBE’s schedule.

Bar Exam Application

Every state has its own application and materials to apply to sit for the bar exam, so the relevant forms and materials can be found on the states Board of Bar Examiners website. Many states allow e-filing of applications now, so you will need to create an account with the state’s servicer.

Some states require that all materials, bar exam application and character and fitness application, be submitted at the same time. Others have you submit the materials separately.

Most bar applications also require that certain forms be filled out by you or your law school. Forms requiring a signature by a school official should be sent to the Registrar’s Office, even a “Dean’s Certification” form and forms related to character and fitness by using this webform. Please ensure you fill out all of the required information on the web form and upload the documents that you need filled out.

Normal processing time is 7-10 Business Days. You will be notified via email once your paperwork has been processed and mailed.


Bar Forms Commonly Asked Questions:

  • Are there any fees associated with completing my Bar forms? No, the Registrar’s Office is happy to provide these services free of charge.
  • When will my Bar forms be sent out?Because of the high volume of Bar Forms we receive, the Registrar’s Office generally completes and send these forms in order of the jurisdictions’ deadlines. Normal processing time is 7-10 Business Days
  • How will I know when my Bar forms are sent? Will I get an email? Yes, you will receive an email from the Registrar’s Office once your completed Bar Form is sent out.
  • The deadline to have my forms in to the Bar is a long way off, but I have the forms now. Can I bring them to the Registrar’s Office? Yes, it’s never too soon to drop off your forms. The Registrar’s Office will hold them until after you’ve graduated, after which time they will be completed in the order of their Bar’s deadline.
  • My required Bar form says that it is a Dean’s Certification – should I direct this form to the Dean’s Office? No, the Registrar’s Office handles all bar forms; in cases where it is necessary, the Dean’s signature will be affixed to your required document instead of that of the Registrar.
  • The Board of Bar Examiners for my state doesn’t require a particular form, they just need a letter stating that I’ve graduated. How can I request such a letter? Certificates of Graduation can be requested by emailing
  • The Board of Bar Examiners for my state doesn’t require a particular form, they just need an official final transcript showing that I’ve graduated. How can I request a transcript?  Roger Williams University School of Law has partnered with Parchment Exchange to deliver a more efficient online ordering service.  This process offers the expediency of online credit card payment.  Email notifications will be sent throughout each step of the process as orders are fulfilled.


State-Specific Required Forms

Rhode Island

The following information should be provided to this office:

  • Deans Certification (2 pages)
  • Handwriting Sample
  • Letter authorizing release of academic information (ie: transcripts, copy of admission application)

This office will send your signed Dean’s Certification, along with handwriting sample, School of Law certification of handwriting sample, official transcript and a photo copy of your admissions application directly to the Bar Examiner’s Office.


The following information should be provided to this office:

  • Deans Certification (1 Page)
  • This office will send your signed Dean’s Certification directly to the Bar Examiner’s office.

Other States

Various Bar Examiners Offices can be found by state at:

       National Conference of Bar Examiners

Please provide this office with Dean Certifications using this webform  and we will send the applicable information for each state.


If you have any questions or concerns please email or call Tina Ramella at 401-254-4656.


Close Course Type Descriptions

Course Types

We have classified RWU Law classes under the following headers. One of the following course types will be attached to each course which will allow students to narrow down their search while looking for classes.

Core Course

Students in the first and second year are required to take classes covering the following aspects of the law—contracts, torts, property, criminal law, civil procedure, and constitutional law, evidence, and professional responsibility.  Along with these aspects, the core curriculum will develop legal reasoning skills.


After finishing the core curriculum the remaining coursework toward the degree is completed through upper level elective courses.  Students can choose courses that peak their interests or courses that go along with the track they are following.


Seminars are classes where teachers and small groups of students focus on a specific topic and the students complete a substantial research paper.


Inhouse Clinics and Clinical Externships legal education is law school training in which students participate in client representation under the supervision of a practicing attorney or law professor.  RWU Law's Clinical Programs offer unique and effective learning opportunities and the opportunity for practical experience while still in law school.