JD #Changemaker Stories

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  • Tracy Harper L'13 smiling before the camera

    A Pioneer in the Provision of Immigration Legal Services

    Tracy Harper, RWU Law Class of 2013

    Juris Doctor

    Advocating for the rights of underserved and historically excluded communities has been the driving force in Harper’s law career—indeed, it’s what led her to Roger Williams University School of Law in the first place.

  • Justin Pruett L'11

    More Than Words: Insurance lawyer Justin Pruett L’11 takes a different route into the courtroom

    Justin Pruett, RWU Law Class of 2011

    Juris Doctor

    Years ago, Pruett was “the guy who wouldn’t shut up in my English class.” Today, Pruett handles the malpractice litigation docket for HCA Healthcare, one of the largest for-profit healthcare systems in the U.S. He analyzes the factual and legal merits along with the insurance implications for each of the hundreds of cases his team handles.

  • Steven Colantuono L'03 cover image

    Embracing the Road to Success: Steven Colantuono’s Varied Career

    Steven Colantuono, RWU Law Class of 2003

    Juris Doctor

    Steven Colantuono L'03 has embraced challenges on the road to success: from nonprofits to Head Transit Lawyer . Prior to becoming the head lawyer for a state agency, Colantuono worked in small firm and solo private practice as well as for nonprofit organizations in the disability space. Throughout his career, Colantuono has been willing to take chances and change course, while always pursuing excellence no matter what the setting.

  • Jim P. Steck picture for the cover story

    Sitting Down to Listen

    Jim Steck, RWU Law Class of 2007

    Juris Doctor

    Steck cares deeply about his hometown of Torrington, Connecticut but never pictured himself running for office. "I'm not a political person," he said. Yet, when his county's longtime probate judge retired, Steck suddenly found himself campaigning for the seat–and was shocked to find he actually enjoyed the process.

  • Maureen Wagner Vinson L'10

    Bringing Election Law to Students

    Maureen Wagner Vinson, RWU Law Class of 2010

    Juris Doctor

    Awareness of voting and election laws has increased with the rise of election-related litigation over the last few years, but RWU Law alum Maureen Wagner Vinson L'10, has been directly involved with these issues since much earlier in her career. She credits the school with upholding its commitment to diversity of opinion and civil discourse, stating that many faculty members “were always happy to debate or serve on a panel with Federalist Society speakers.”

  • Tolulope Kevin Olasanoye

    From Ideas to Political Action

    Tolulope Kevin Olasanoye, RWU Law Class of 2012

    Juris Doctor

    For Kevin Olasanoye L‘12, the belief in the government’s ability to fundamentally create positive change for the people it serves is one of his core tenets. In fact, it’s a belief that has shaped his career and led him to pursue a career in politics.

  • RWU Law Alum Weayonnoh Nelson Davies L'07

    If There's Life, There's Hope

    Weayonnoh Nelson-Davies’ journey from civil war to statehouse advocate, RWU Law Class of 2007

    Juris Doctor

    Nelson-Davies was ten years old when the civil war began in her native Liberia. Before the war, she lived a comfortable life as a middle-class school child. The war changed everything.

  •  Judge Terrence Haas L'07

    Adventures in Law

    Terrence Haas, RWU Law Class of 2007

    Juris Doctor

    Terrence Haas L‘07 is an adventurer. In his twenties, he lived off the grid in rural northern Michigan in a shelter with no electricity or water. After law school, he moved to Alaska to become a public defender in a town outside of the state’s road system. In September 2023, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy appointed Haas as the Alaska Public Defender.

  • Saad Ahmad L'00 RWU Law alumni in front of the US Supreme Court

    Immigration Lawyer Saad Ahmad L’00 Shows That Appellate Practice Isn’t Just for Large Firms

    Supreme Court recently heard asylum seeker’s deportation case, RWU Law Class of 2000

    Juris Doctor

    Immigration attorney Saad Ahmad is the rare attorney with extensive experience on both trial and appeal. On January 8, 2024, Ahmad reached a milestone, as the Supreme Court heard a case on appeal from a matter he had successfully argued before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

  • Taino J Palermo L'22 and Raymon TwoHawks Watson L'22

    Elevating Conversations Around Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

    Taino J. Palermo and Raymond Two Hawks Watson, RWU Law Class of 2022

    Juris Doctor

    When they couldn’t find anyone with the right legal knowledge to help them and the local Indigenous tribes, Palermo (left) and Watson (right) decided they’d just go to law school themselves.

Close Course Type Descriptions

Course Types

We have classified RWU Law classes under the following headers. One of the following course types will be attached to each course which will allow students to narrow down their search while looking for classes.

Core Course

Students in the first and second year are required to take classes covering the following aspects of the law—contracts, torts, property, criminal law, civil procedure, and constitutional law, evidence, and professional responsibility.  Along with these aspects, the core curriculum will develop legal reasoning skills.


After finishing the core curriculum the remaining coursework toward the degree is completed through upper level elective courses.  Students can choose courses that peak their interests or courses that go along with the track they are following.


Seminars are classes where teachers and small groups of students focus on a specific topic and the students complete a substantial research paper.


Inhouse Clinics and Clinical Externships legal education is law school training in which students participate in client representation under the supervision of a practicing attorney or law professor.  RWU Law's Clinical Programs offer unique and effective learning opportunities and the opportunity for practical experience while still in law school.