Cultural Misappropriation
What is cultural misappropriation and why does it matter? Join us on March 31st, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST for a conversation between legal experts and activists covering Copyright and Trademark issues of cultural misappropriation such as the Washington pro football team (Harjo v. Pro Football and its relationship with Matal v. Tam), fashion (Urban Outfitters v. Navajo), photography and music on reservations, and traditional knowledge labeling.
Presented by Intellectual Property Law Association (IPLA)
Moderated by Jeffrey Prystowsky (RWU Law '23)
Prof. Madhavi Sunder (Georgetown Law)
Prof. John Tehranian (Southwestern Law)
Prof. Margaret Chon (Seattle U. Law)
Prof. Jane Anderson (NYU)
Prof. Maui Hudson (U. of Waikato)
Prof. Trevor Reed (ASU Law)
Jacqueline Keeler (#notyourmascot)
Suzan Harjo (Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient)
Co-Sponsored by:
The Copyright Society
The Feinstein Center for Pro Bono & Experiential Education
Office of Diversity and Outreach
American Indian Law Student Association
The Tomaquag Museum
RWU Law Library has created a Resource Guide webpage for the panel, including links to articles, books, speaker bios, and web resources on cultural misappropriation, which you may access on this link.