Requests by RWU Law Students and Alumni
Reciprocity allows RWU Law students and alumni to use the career development offices of other law schools. Read about their reciprocity policies and then contact the Office of Career Development at to solicit a request.
Requests by Students & Graduates of Other Law Schools
To be granted reciprocity, please review our Reciprocity Policy below and then contact your law school’s career development office with your request. We will then communicate directly with the requesting school.
Reciprocity Policy
The Office of Career Development at the Roger Williams University School of Law grants reciprocal services to students and graduates of other ABA-accredited/NALP member law schools that accord reciprocal privileges to RWU law students and graduates. The office reserves the right to adjust the stated policy if the requesting school has a more restrictive policy.
- Reciprocity will be granted only to students and graduates of ABA-accredited/NALP member law schools that allow RWU School of Law students and graduates to use their Career Services facilities. Reciprocity requests will be granted on a one-to-one basis. If an imbalance occurs, we may implement a temporary freeze until a balance is achieved.
- Reciprocity is granted for three months, effective from the date of correspondence in which reciprocal privileges are affirmatively extended. Each renewal will be considered a new request.
- Request for reciprocity must be made in writing by the individual’s Career Development Office, certifying that the said individual is a student/graduate of the law school and further agrees to offer reciprocity to students/graduates of Roger Williams University School of Law.
- No reciprocity will be processed from December 1 – March 30.
- A temporary Symplicity account will be created for the student/graduate. An email will be sent containing the student/graduate username and password.
SERVICES NOT AVAILABLE UNDER A RECIPROCITY GRANT: Career counseling, resume review, job fairs and on-campus interviewing.
Requests for, or questions about, reciprocity should be directed to:
Office of Career Development
Roger Williams University School of Law
(401) 254-4650