Diversity and Outreach
Roger Williams University School of Law provides a rigorous education, in a supportive atmosphere, in order to equip its graduates to successfully practice law in a fast-changing and diverse world.
At the School of Law, we know that our students will make stronger attorneys if they are enrolled in a diverse classroom and are challenged to consider the legal concepts from different cultural and legal perspectives.
Our students come from more than 22 states and five countries. Twenty-seven percent of our first-year students come from racial and ethnic backgrounds underrepresented in the legal community. We work hard to offer an experience for all of our students that is enriched, challenging, and that reflects the diversity that we celebrate as part of our mission:
Programs & Initiatives
Our programs and initiatives provide students with hands-on opportunities to learn about and make a difference in a number of legal issues related to diversity in the profession.
Affinity Groups and Networking
Connect with other students and members of the legal community from a range of backgrounds and identities.
Affinity Groups and Networking
LGBTQ Community
We are an open and welcoming community with a substantial LGBT student population and a number of openly gay members of the administration and faculty.
Parents Attending Law School
The School of Law provides many resources and services to support our student parents/students with families and happily assists students who have questions about child care, local school systems, course schedules, housing and related concerns.
Want to learn more? Contact the Office of Diversity and Outreach.