Programs & Initiatives
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
The School of Law celebrates the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a series of activities to highlight his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.
Diversity Symposium Dinner
This annual event brings together Rhode Island attorneys and judges with high school, college, and law students to discuss issues of interest to members of populations traditionally underrepresented in the legal profession and the justice system.
Street Law Program
Street Law is practical, participatory education about law, democracy, and human rights where Roger Williams Law students teach in local inner-city high schools.
Thurgood Marshall Lecture Series
The Thurgood Marshall Lecture Series is held biennially and is sponsored by the School of Law, a local law firm and the Marshall family.
Latino Policy Institute
Housed at Roger Williams, the Latino Policy Institute is an independent research organization committed to generating and communicating non-partisan data of Latinos in Rhode Island. The LPI stimulates public policy discourse and enhances the public’s understanding of the Rhode Island Latino experience. With this information, Latinos’ social, economic and civic contributions to the state can be better documented and understood.
Immigration Clinic
This clinical program provides students with hands-on opportunities to represent immigrant clients. Students enrolled in the immigration clinic represent noncitizens in their applications for relief from removal before the Immigration Court in Boston.
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