Affinity Groups and Networking

There are many opportunities for RWU Law students to connect with other students and members of the legal community from a range of backgrounds and identities.

Student Groups

  • Accessibility in the Law Student Society (ALSS)
  • Alliance (LGBTQ+)
  • American Indian Law Student Association (AILSA)
  • Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA)
  • Black Law Students Association (BLSA)
  • Christian Legal Society (CLS)
  • First Generation Law Student Association (FGLSA)
  • Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA)
  • Justinian Law Society
  • Latino Law Students Association (LLSA)
  • Middle Eastern Southern Asian Law Students Association (MESALA)
  • Multicultural Law Students Association (MCLSA)
  • Older Wiser Law Students Association (OWLS)
  • Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
  • Women’s Law Society (WLS)

                See all Student Groups

Legal Associations

Thurgood Marshall Law Society
The mission of the Thurgood Marshall Law Society (TMLS) is to advance the distinguished legacy of Thurgood Marshall through the active participation and fellowship among lawyers, law professors, judges and law students of color to promote the science of jurisprudence, to uphold the honor of the legal profession, to promote social intercourse among Rhode Island attorneys, and to protect the civil and political rights of all citizens of the State of Rhode Island. TMLS provides on-going support to students of the law school through joint sponsorship of events and a mentorship program with the Multi-cultural Law Students Association.

Rhode Island Bar Association Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender Committee
The duty of this committee is to promote professional and educational opportunities for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender members of the Association and to promote for all members of the RIBA greater awareness of professional and educational programs relative to the legal issues affecting the LGBT community.

Rhode Island Women’s Bar Association
The mission of the RIWBA is to promote the advancement of women in the legal profession in the State of Rhode Island.

Close Course Type Descriptions

Course Types

We have classified RWU Law classes under the following headers. One of the following course types will be attached to each course which will allow students to narrow down their search while looking for classes.

Core Course

Students in the first and second year are required to take classes covering the following aspects of the law—contracts, torts, property, criminal law, civil procedure, and constitutional law, evidence, and professional responsibility.  Along with these aspects, the core curriculum will develop legal reasoning skills.


After finishing the core curriculum the remaining coursework toward the degree is completed through upper level elective courses.  Students can choose courses that peak their interests or courses that go along with the track they are following.


Seminars are classes where teachers and small groups of students focus on a specific topic and the students complete a substantial research paper.


Inhouse Clinics and Clinical Externships legal education is law school training in which students participate in client representation under the supervision of a practicing attorney or law professor.  RWU Law's Clinical Programs offer unique and effective learning opportunities and the opportunity for practical experience while still in law school.