Honoring Robert B. Mann, Esq. (1948-2024)
The Roger Williams University School of Law has been both privileged and blessed to know and be touched by the kind man that was Robert B. Mann.
Atty. Mann was a leading luminary in the Rhode Island legal profession who was the law school’s 2023 Champion for Justice.
Donate to the Robert B. Mann Memorial Scholarship
Robert B. Mann, Esq., LHD’15, was the most well-known and the most universally respected criminal defense lawyer in Rhode Island. He has dedicated his career to taking on the hardest cases and unwinnable battles—representing the poor, the dispossessed, the most notorious, and the most despised. His unparalleled dedication to justice has been widely recognized, earning him a number of the state’s most prestigious legal awards, including the RI Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Richard Casparian Award, the RI Bar Association’s Ralph P. Semonoff Award for Professionalism, Justice Assistance’s Neil J. Houston, Jr., Memorial Award, and, most recently, the RI Federal Bar Association’s inaugural Olin Thompson Award. Atty. Mann was a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School. He was also an RWU Law Honorary Degree Recipient.

Atty. Mann was a generous and loyal supporter of our law school and our programs. His family would like to continue his legacy by directing donations to the Robert B. Mann Memorial Scholarship, supporting students who plan to go into criminal defense work.
Thank you.
RWU Law on behalf of the Mann family