Law Library Facts
- Square feet: 29,473
- Seating: 412
- Shelving: 26,494 linear feet
- Hours open each week when classes are in session: 100 hours
- Group study rooms: 10 rooms, 2 with A/V playback.
- Student computing: 25 classroom computers (2 computer classrooms), 6 open computers
- Wireless network: 802.11n, including Guest access
- Printing/Scanning: 3 print stations, 1 book scanner with sheet feeder, and 1 microform reader/scanner. Lexis printing for current law affiliates only. Wireless printing available for law students.
- Volumes and volume equivalents: over 290,000
- Licensed databases and owned electronic titles: over 279,000
The library collection focuses on Rhode Island and Maritime Law and the library serves as a State Justice Institute depository. By arrangement with the University Library (a Selective Depository Library), the Law Library also maintains a number of federal government documents titles. The library collection is comprehensive for current and historical federal law materials: legislative, judicial, and administrative. The library also collects current and historical state law materials for the New England states and selected major states: legislative and judicial materials, secondary source materials, and treatises. The library also maintains a core international law collection.
Library Staff
- Full-time library employees: 8 (includes director)
- Librarians: 5, 4 hold a law degree.
- Paraprofessionals: 3 library paraprofessional staff