Happy Holidays!
Exams are almost over and that is always a reason to celebrate. In this world that has so many disruptions to our familiar patterns, it is sometimes good to remember that we can still celebrate normal things like the end of exams.
December is full of special days that have not changed. We can take a quiet moment to remember the day “which live in infamy” on December 7, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. We think about reading a good book during the Winter intersession as we recognize libraries on December 10, Dewey Decimal System Day. December 15 has a little something for almost everyone to celebrate: Bill of Rights Day, Cat Herders Day, and Human Rights Day.
The holiday season brings not only the celebration of the break from studying, but major the celebrations of Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. Some around the world will celebrate Las Posadas, Saturnalia, Boxing Day, Ōmisoka, New Year’s Eve, and different versions of New Year’s.
The World Health Organization started 2020 with a celebration of the International Year of the Nurse and Mid-Wife. Maybe we should all thank any nurses and mid-wives one last time before the end of the year. (Did the WHO know something we didn’t when the year started?)
Where is all this leading? Simple, find something to celebrate. Savor it. Bask in it. You earned it!
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