Here’s To New Beginnings!

On behalf of the RWU Law Library staff, welcome (back) to RWU Law. To our 1L students, we are eager to get to know and support you as you begin your law school journey with wide eyes and curious minds. MSL students, we are looking forward to supporting your legal studies as you enhance your existing careers. To our 2Ls and 3Ls, we are excited to have you back as you begin your second and third years, a little wiser with legal knowledge and ready for new challenges.
As Rev. Timothy Healy, former president of the New York Public Library, famously said “the most important asset of any library goes home at night – the library staff.” The RWU Law Library has a phenomenal staff of 5 librarians and 3 support staff ready, willing, and able to help students navigate our print and digital collections, library services and technology, and more. It is my pleasure every day to work with these professionals, four of which have served RWU Law for over 25 years, and to see them connecting with you and supporting your legal education at RWU Law.
Mr. Healy also said about his library that “this is a house where learning matters,” and that is also true of the RWU Law Library. To this end, the library offers an impressive array of services and resources to support your learning and research:
- Research assistance: in-person, via Ask a Librarian, by email, or by calling 401-254-4547; as well as legal research and technology instruction by our librarians, including Bloomberg Law, Lexis Advance, and Westlaw training;
- LawGuides to help you navigate your studies: annotated guides to Study Aids for the 1L and upper-class curriculum and other RWU LawGuides covering a wide-variety of topics;
- Services to aid and enhance law study: Study rooms, printing, copying, and wireless access and printing;
- Access to research resources at RWU, online, and beyond: Digital resources on and off campus; our WebCatalog to locate items in our collection and online; and the interlibrary loan service to obtain an item not held at the RWU libraries.
We hope that you will also come to see the library as a place for community and where you can practice stress management, mindfulness, and wellness, whether using our coloring book collection, the Kent Student Lounge, or talking to the librarians. Come see us if you have any questions or just need a helping hand!
Raquel M. Ortiz, Assistant Dean for Library and Information Services