Library Blog

Meet the Staff: Jessica Silvia

Jessica Silvia

This year the Legal Beagle is featuring blog posts which introduce you (or re-introduce you) to our hard-working and amazing staff. This week meet Jessica Silvia!

Legal Beagle: What is your title?
Jessica: Faculty and Digital Services Assistant
Legal Beagle: Can you explain to our readers what you do using non-librarian terms?
Jessica: I spend most of my time searching for and finding documents, articles, or books for faculty and students using our databases or ordering the items from other libraries through interlibrary loan. I post information and library event details on social media and I help with updating the library website.
Legal Beagle: What is your favorite book?
Jessica: I do not have one favorite book. I have several. My favorite non-fiction book is I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai. My favorite fiction book is There's No Place Like Here by Cecelia Ahern.   
Legal Beagle: What is your favorite part of your job?

Jessica: My favorite part of my job is interacting with the students either helping them find the information they are looking for or meeting them and talking at various Law School or Law Library events.
Legal Beagle: What is your favorite meme?
Jessica: My favorite memes have the picture of the "successful kid"
Legal Beagle: What has been your experience in the RWU Law community?

Jessica: I have a background in libraries but do not have a law background. I knew I would learn a great deal when I started this position. The community at RWU Law has been welcoming, friendly, and helpful as I learn to navigate this subject matter. 
Legal Beagle: Name something you dislike, but everyone else seems to love.
Jessica: Twitter

Library Blog