Musings on Casino Night and Gambling Laws

When the theme for the 28th Annual RWU Law Barrister’s Ball was announced as a "Casino Night," the creative juices of the Legal Beagle started flowing. The possibilities were endless for blog posts!
The first thought for posts was about famous US gambling travel destinations and the law. Should we write about land use regulations in Atlantic City? Should we write about the Nevada Gaming Control Board or Nevada Gaming Commission?
The next thought was perhaps we should focus on technology, especially the changes to online sports betting. Should we write about the laws of sports betting across the United States?
Next, we thought about the possibilities of writing a post on tribal gaming. Should we write about the history of tribal gaming and the National Indian Gaming Commission?
Maybe the focus of the blog be more local? We could write about the history of betting on jai alai in Newport or the recent move to make Keno available online?
Even closer to home, perhaps we should highlight resources in our collection that may be of interest to gaming enthusiasts or those interested in a career in gambling law? (For example, check out The Law of Regulated Gambling: A Practical Guide for Business Lawyers or Running the Numbers: Race, Police, and the History of Urban Gambling.
There are so many interesting topics within and adjacent to gambling law. We chose to highlight a variety of subtopics for your education and entertainment. Take a chance on fun and enjoy your time at Barrister’s Ball!
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