ResearchFest: There’s something for everyone

What do study aid libraries, online newspapers, legislative history collections, and streaming movies have in common? They are all among the resources being showcased at this year’s ResearchFest!
Join us on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, from 10am to 3pm for ResearchFest, our annual digital resources showcase where we will share amazing resources beyond Lexis and Westlaw (ok, there’s a little Lexis+ AI thrown in the mix.) There will be demos, giveaways, prizes, AND pizza!
There will be at least 15 demos, with librarians and expert trainers from the companies who will show you how to navigate their resources. There is something for everyone!
- Interested in online study aids? Then stop by the Aspen Learning Library, Lexis Digital Library, and West Academic Study Aids tables to learn how to use their resources effectively.
- Have you checked out the CALI lessons to help you review for your exams? A librarian will demo CALI, show you their law school success program, and tell you how you could win a gift card!
- Looking for tools to bolster your academic skills? The librarians will demo the Carolina Academic Press Academic Success e-book collection.
- Want to read major newspapers and get legal news online? The librarians will show you how to gain access to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal online! We will also show you how to sign up for to stay on top of the latest legal news, research law firms, and more.
- Working on law review, as an RA, or writing a paper this semester? Come and check out HeinOnline.
- Interested in interdisciplinary research? Stop by the Gale and Proquest tables to see their legal and nonlegal databases.
- Want to see the power of legal AI and how to use it effectively? Come ask for a Lexis+ AI demo!
- Looking for case information such as dockets, court documents, and case analytics? A librarian can show you how to sign up for and navigate Docket Alarm.
- Did you know we have a video streaming service that offers tens of thousands of movies and documentaries? Ask a librarian to show you how to access and use Kanopy.
Demonstrations will run continuously so visit us any time from 10am–3pm. Attend three demonstrations to enter prize drawings. For more information, see our ResearchFest 2024 guide.
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