Roger That: Understanding in About a Minute

If you look in, you will see that the phrase “Roger That” dates back to the days of early radio communications meaning that a message has been received and understood. “Roger” was the early spoken or "phonetic" term for "R" as it was used in the radio communications for received and understood.
Library staff frequently receive questions which only require a quick explanation to start someone on the path to understanding. As hard as we might try to answer every question, that explanation might be wanted or needed at a time when a librarian or other library staff member might not be readily available.
Enter the Roger That: research instruction in about a minute video series!
So far these are the topics covered:
- Introduction to the Law Library Website
- Study Aid Guides: How They Can Help You!
- What is Single Sign-On?
- How to Use Digital Resources @ RWU Law
The Library wants you to have the tools you need so that your research and study time goes smoothly. More topics are planned, but if you have suggestions for additional topics, email us at We are happy to hear which tool you think should be next.
New Roger That videos will be released on the library’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. Connect and stay in touch with what is new in the library.
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