Summer Vacation

Greetings from the Legal Beagle!
This summer the Legal Beagle will be taking a much-deserved break. The blog will continue as usual when classes start back up in the Fall. In the meantime, you can always look back at some of our past blogs. Unlike the Legal Beagle, the librarians continue to be hard at work this summer. In fact, we have expanded our reference hours to include a few evening hours. On Tuesdays from 5 pm to 8 pm Eastern Time a reference librarian will be available via chat and email to answer your questions, especially those questions from our students in other time zones. This week we started using a Zoom room on Tuesday nights, so that RWU Law students with questions can speak live with a librarian. RWU Law students--please check your email and the class FB groups for the link and password.
If you are in Bristol this summer, find out some of the things this town has to offer by getting out and walking around. You may be new to Rhode Island, or you may be a lifelong resident. Either way, you may have missed some hidden gems this state has to offer. Check out Only in Your State’s list of Rhode Island Hidden Gems to find out what you may be missing. Lastly, Rhode Island has many local food dishes and delicacies you will not find anywhere else. For some, summer is the only time they get to have these treats, for others it will be their first chance. You will not want to miss out on the opportunity to try these delights.
If you are resolved to indoor activities this summer, one place to check out is the RISD Museum which has a variety of virtual events online. Another good option for indoor fun is the upcoming concert Streaming Outta Fenway with Boston’s Dropkick Murphys and NJ’s Bruce Springsteen! The best part of that concert? It is absolutely free! Looking for some interactive fun? The library may have an event in store for you this summer. We will be in touch with details!
The Legal Beagle will see you back here at the start of the fall semester. Be on the lookout at the end of July for our return. Remember, if you need any help with legal research over the summer the librarians will still be available to help you. You can still contact them by phone, email, or chat.
Enjoy your summer. Be safe and be healthy.
Library Blog