Welcome Back! Pizza & Westlaw Edge

Welcome Back!
Ready to start fresh in the Spring semester? Why not kick things off with a tutorial on the new Westlaw Edge platform. On January 9th from 12 pm to 1 pm in Room 283, our Westlaw vendor representative Holly Rush will offer a training session on all the new features available with Westlaw Edge. Need another reason to attend? Pizza will be served!
Don’t forget, there are many ways in which the RWU School of Law Library can help you have a successful semester. Our knowledgeable, friendly, service-oriented staff are available to assist you in using our various services and resources that include:
- Legal and non-legal research assistance in-person, by appointment, via Ask a Librarian, by email, or by calling 401-254-4547;
- RWU LawGuides covering a wide-variety of topics;
- Guides on Study Aids for the 1L and upper-class curriculum;
- The interlibrary loan service to obtain an item not held at the RWU libraries;
- Study rooms;
- Printing and copying;
- Wireless printing;
- The WebCatalog to locate items in our collection and online;
- Access to digital resources on and off campus;
- Instruction on legal research and technology by our librarians; and
- Westlaw, Lexis Advance, and Bloomberg training. (Check the Law Library Computer Classroom/Events Schedule for program dates and times).
The library is a great place to research and study. It is also a great place to chill out and de-stress. If you have any questions or just need a helping hand in the first few weeks of the semester, stop by and say hi!!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the reference librarians at lawlibraryhelp@rwu.edu.
Library Blog