Library Blog

Celebrating the Class of 2024

Celebrating the Achievements of the Class of 2024 with a doctoral tam.

The library staff will join the RWU Law faculty and staff tomorrow in celebration of you, the class of 2024. 

Your time here has not gone unnoticed. You came to the library early and often to study, meet with classmates, ask research and other questions, and engage in quiet reflection on occasion. We saw you in the halls of the law school expanding on what you learned, preparing for class and assignments, and talking about your long but rewarding days of work, pro bono or otherwise, all while you attended law school. We saw your curiosity as you attended law school events with amazing speakers, who challenged you to think about the real-life application of your classroom learning. We saw your excitement about what comes next, this summer and after you take the bar exam. We saw you.

The librarians often reminded you that we know how smart you are because you wouldn’t be in law school otherwise. But you are so much more than just smart. You learned to be critical thinkers as you pursued your legal education. You developed a passion for justice, which you demonstrated by engaging in coursework and experiential opportunities that challenged your beliefs and allowed your empathy to flourish. You have made a difference in the lives of others and will continue to change lives as lawyers. You have risen to challenges, again and again, overcoming every obstacle that life has thrown your way over the past three years. You are not only smart: you are also wise, just, compassionate, hardworking, tough as nails, and a changemaker. We have watched you learn and grow with awe and appreciation.

To the parents, grandparents, spouses, children, siblings, and other family and friends reading this—thank you for supporting your law students and sharing them with us! They have another challenge ahead in the bar exam, but your continued love and support will see them through that challenge as well. We join you in cheering them on tomorrow and for the rest of their careers.

This would not be a library blog post without reminding you about what we do and who we are:  We are your librarians for life. Seriously. Call, email, or chat via the Ask A Librarian service. We are open and available to you this summer. Please get in touch with us and let us know how we can help you.  The library will be open 7 days a week, excepting  holidays, from May 20 through August 2. Also, remember to check out our RWU Law Alumni Services page to review our offerings and to request alumni access to local and remote library services. 

Graduates, you take the next step in your journey to become an attorney next week. As you embark on your career, remember that how you play the game is as important as winning or losing. Be dedicated, just, ethical, passionate, and compassionate. In short, keep being a changemaker. 

Congratulations class of 2024!


Library Blog