Library Blog

Exam Time Reminders

Stack of books

Finals are almost here and the library has a few reminders: stay calm, stay caffeinated, stay courteous.

Over the next few weeks, please remember that sound carries in the library, especially when you are entering or leaving.  Even whispers can be louder than you realize and distracting to your colleagues trying to study. While some students prefer to work in small groups in study rooms and appreciate the chatter of other students, some students prefer to study in silence.

For a relaxed group chat or to grab a snack during your studies, the Law Student Lounge is a perfect spot!  And don’t forget that you can book a study room for individual or group study sessions.

Please note that when you book a study room from 12/6 through the end of the fall exam period, the library staff will be strictly enforcing the group study room policy. Please read the full policy to ensure that you comply with its terms. We will be actively canceling reservations that do not comply with this policy and repeated failures to comply with the policy will result in the loss of reservation privileges through the end of the semester.

The library hopes to provide an atmosphere which can accommodate the learning and studying preferences of all of our patrons. Please be respectful to all law students by being mindful of your noise level in the library.

For more information on expressing noise concerns in the Law Library, contact the library staff.

Library Blog