Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Resources
Building community is a critically important piece of your journey here. While COVID-19 prevents us all from building community in person as we have been used to, getting to know each of you is integral to all of our success and collective knowledge. To get you started on building our new community, we have provided some tools and guidelines below to help you get to know your fellow classmates and professors.
Chosen Name Policy and Gender Pronouns
RWU Law has implemented a Chosen Name Policy to honor lived experiences, affirm gender identity, and respect the self-expression of our students, faculty, staff, and administration. If you would like more information about the policy or would like to make changes to your current student record/identification, please visit the following law school link for instructions: Adding Your Chosen Name and Pronouns in Roger Central
Name Pronunciation Tool
An update for Bridges will allows you to upload an audio clip of the correct pronunciation of your name as part of your student profile. These audio uploads will be available to your classmates and professors. For information on how to upload your audio clip, click on the following law school link: How to Add Name Pronunciation to Your Bridges Profile
Video Uploads and Introductions on Bridges
Bridges is our online learning portal where you are able to connect directly with professors and classmates at the law school for your respective classes. We would like you to record a short video introduction of yourself to be uploaded to the Bridges site. In this 2-3 minute introduction, we would like for you to share your name, gender pronouns, where you currently call home, your undergraduate school and major (or other additional education you have received), and something unique you'd like to share about yourself. For details on how to create and upload your video, please click on the following law school link: How to Record and Share Your Video Introduction.