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Course Description

This course offers a hands-on approach to learning how to intake, analyze, process, file and complete consumer bankruptcy cases in Federal Bankruptcy Court. We will discuss the rights debtors and creditors under state law outside of bankruptcy, and in which cases bankruptcy is an appropriate option for addressing financial difficulties. Bankruptcy relief will be reviewed for debtors under Chapters 7 and Chapter 13. The primary goal of this course is to develop a working understanding of how to represent consumer debtors in Federal Bankruptcy Court.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Course Description

This two-semester course provides an introduction to the law of agreements. Topics include contract formation, the doctrine of consideration and its substitutes, the Statute of Frauds, contract regulation, the parole evidence rule, interpretation, performance and breach, conditions, anticipatory breach, remedies for breach, specific performance, damages, restitution and impracticability and frustration. Both the common law and the Uniform Commercial Code are emphasized. The rights and duties of non-parties are covered to the extent possible.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions

Core Course

Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Course Description

This two-semester course provides an introduction to the law of agreements. Topics include contract formation, the doctrine of consideration and its substitutes, the Statute of Frauds, contract regulation, the parole evidence rule, interpretation, performance and breach, conditions, anticipatory breach, remedies for breach, specific performance, damages, restitution and impracticability and frustration. Both the common law and the Uniform Commercial Code are emphasized. The rights and duties of non-parties are covered to the extent possible.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions

Core Course

Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law


LAW.604 – Contracts I

Course Description

This class provides an in-depth study of copyright law, which grants a limited monopoly to authors of creative works, and related state law doctrines such as unfair competition law. The course will focus on the constitutional basis for copyright, the statutory requirements for copyright protection, the scope of rights granted to copyright owners, the elements of a copyright infringement action, related state law claims, and licensing issues related to copyright. Discussion and readings will encompass topics of current interest in copyright law, including the impact of the internet, digital copying capabilities, new technologies, and the information-based economy.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Jerry CohenNiki Kuckes

Course Description

This course examines the general principles of substantive criminal law and concepts of mens rea, causation, parties, elements, criminal responsibility and capacity, justification, excuse and defenses.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions

Core Course

Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Tara I. AllenEmily J. Sack

Course Description

While less than one percent of all criminal cases go to trial, every criminal case involves a necessary knowledge of criminal pleadings and motions. This course will focus on pleadings, motions and related documents in all stages of a criminal case – from the arraignment through pre-trial, trial and post-conviction proceedings. Students will learn how to review, draft and argue criminal pleadings and motions from both the prosecution and defense perspective. The course is designed for prospective criminal defense attorneys, prosecutors, appellate attorneys, and judicial law clerks in state and federal courts. Completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, Criminal Procedure: Adjudication or Criminal Procedure: Investigation, is considered helpful.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law


LAW.682 – Criminal Procedure: Adjudication LAW.627 – Criminal Procedure: Investigation

Course Description

This course focuses on the accusatory phase of the criminal process after a defendant is arrested: “from bail to jail.” The class will analyze selected and evolving criminal justice issues under the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and state and federal procedural law. The course covers the criminal justice process from law enforcement’s decision to charge the suspect to initial appearances, bail and pre-trial release, discovery, plea bargaining and guilty pleas, speedy trial rights, the right to counsel, trial, sentencing, double jeopardy, and habeas corpus. Within that context, the course analyzes the role of the various participants in the criminal justice system: defendants, prosecutors, defense counsel, judges, victims, witnesses, jurors, law enforcement, media, and the public.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Brett Beaubien

Course Description

This course examines the procedural aspects of the criminal justice system with emphasis on the impact of the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments to the United States Constitution on state and federal prosecutions. Topics include the law of arrest, search and seizure, police interrogation and the privilege against self-incrimination.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions

Core Course

Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Tara I. AllenEmily J. Sack

Course Description

This seminar will examine the ways in which race has played a role in the development of American law. We will look at how race is defined in America and look at the experience of different racial minorities both historically and in the present day. The course material for this seminar will be the work of scholars who have explored the historical and on-going subordination of racial minorities and provided critiques of legal regimes which have enforced racial subordination.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Diana J. Hassel

This course will meet for six weeks.

Course Description

This course will look at cutting edge issues and a selection of current work on harmonization and codification of private international law, both domestically and internationally, such as work in connection with classic areas of private international law-- jurisdiction, choice of law, judicial assistance, and enforcement of judgments-- as well as areas such as commercial law, family law, consumer dispute resolution/online dispute resolution (ODR). In addition, we will look at how some of the private international law conventions are to be/have been implemented in the United States and the practical and policy issues implicated by these decisions. The course will introduce students to the work product of several international entities e.g., The Hague Conference on Private International Law, UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), OECD; as well as regional entities such as the Council of Europe, EU and the Organization of American States; and also domestic harmonization entities such as the Uniform Law Commission (NCCUSL) and ALI.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Louise Ellen Teitz

This course meets for six weeks.

Course Description

This course will consider various current legal issues in the law of piracy, including: the use of force by private vessel; insurance and the payment of ransom money; the extent of Congress' power to define piracy; the appropriate forum for piracy trials; the duty to suppress piracy and flags of convenience; and environmental activism as piracy.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Jonathan M. Gutoff


Course Description

This seminar will examine legal issues surrounding the death penalty in America from a variety of perspectives. After a review of the goals of punishment and their relation to capital punishment, the course will explore: constitutional challenges to the imposition of the death penalty, focusing on claims relating to equal protection, due process and cruel and unusual punishment; race, gender and the death penalty; special offenders, including juveniles, the mentally retarded, and the insane; modes of punishment and ethical issues; the impact of international law; procedural issues in trials for capital offenses, as well as post-conviction proceedings; and perspectives from the families of victims and families of capital offenders. Materials for the seminar will include writings providing diverse views of the death penalty, as well as central Supreme Court case law in this area. Seminar requirements will include a final paper, a presentation on the paper; and class participation. This course is offered for 2 credits and will fulfill the paper writing requirement.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Emily J. Sack

Course Description

This two-credit course will provide intensive, hands-on instruction in pretrial discovery practice in civil litigation. Working with a simulated case in the federal courts system, students will engage in each of the stages of civil discovery, from planning a discovery strategy, to submitting and arguing a discovery motion, to taking a mock deposition. The class will also include discussion of the policies and values reflected in American civil discovery approach, as well as key ethical issues that frequently arise in the discovery practice.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Niki Kuckes

Course Description

This course will examine the dramatic changes in domestic violence laws and policy over the past twenty years, assess their impact, and explore potential new practices in this rapidly developing area. Discussion topics will include: the historical treatment of domestic violence by the justice system; changes in state and federal legislation, including the Violence Against Women Act, and developments in international human rights law; strategies in police and prosecution response; issues involving battered women defendants; use of civil remedies; the impact of changes in family law and immigration law on domestic violence victims; the interplay between the criminal justice and child welfare systems; and changing court responses to domestic violence cases.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Emily J. Sack


Course Description

Elder Law is a rapidly growing and intellectually challenging practice area. This course will focus on the legal issues and client situations most frequently encountered by Elder Law attorneys. The course will begin with an overview of how Elder Law differs from a traditional trusts and estates practice, including a review of the particular ethical challenges faced by the Elder Law practitioner. An examination of the major substantive law competencies needed by the Elder Law practitioner will follow. The course will conclude with an analysis of how the practitioner serves elders facing challenges such as diminished capacity and the need for long-term care.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Mark B. Heffner

Course Description

An analysis of selected problems in the law of employment discrimination. Topics will be selected that address the historical, economic, and social dimensions and implications of the problem of employment discrimination. Included will be coverage of federal statutory prohibitions of discrimination in employment, the procedures for enforcement, standards of proof, and remedies for violation of applicable law.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Michael J. Yelnosky
Marine Affairs Institute

Course Description

The pursuit of offshore energy development – especially renewable energy - comes with great potential, but with technical, market and legal challenges as well. There are natural and engineering challenges posed by the depth of the water, the struggle to pinpoint optimal siting, the forces of the wind and the waves, and the density of the seabed. There are financing challenges in locating start-up funding, determining the nature of ownership, securing leases, loans, and sufficient operating capital, and insuring the whole enterprise. There are the legal challenges of negotiating contractual arrangements for connecting to the power grid and selling the power to utilities or other users as well as the environmental and other regulatory permitting processes and appeals. This course provides a comprehensive look at the legal, transactional, practical lawyering and regulatory issues associated with the sustainable development and project financing of off-shore energy projects, emphasizing wind and hydrokinetics, but also drawing on experience with on-shore wind, solar and geo-thermal energy. Students successfully completing this course will be better prepared for transactional practice in a burgeoning field.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Course Description

The regulation and control of water, air and land is the broad subject matter of this course. The emphasis is on federal statutory and regulatory law but international issues and state and local regulation will be reviewed in areas in which they have broad relevance.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Jared A. Goldstein

Course Description

This course deals with the practical application of estate planning principles to various client situations. Topics include client interviews; estate planning for young adults, individuals contemplating marriage, unmarried couples, young couples with children, and older clients with children; transfers to grandchildren; planning for second marriages; asset protection; retirement planning; perpetual trusts; charitable gifts; and an overview of estate administration. Wills and Trusts is a prerequisite.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law


LAW.749 – Wills & Trusts

Course Description

This course introduces the law controlling the introduction and exclusion of evidence in civil and criminal trials. Topics include burden of proof, presumption, judicial notice, burden of production, burden of persuasion, competency of witnesses, relevancy, examinations of witnesses, privileges, hearsay, demonstrative evidence, documents and the function of judge and jury.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions

Core Course

Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Course Description

This course focuses on the theory and practice of leadership and its implications in the professional and personal lives of lawyers and students. Students will study how lawyers (including those who work at firms, in-house, or in other roles) view leadership, ethics, and their roles in society. Students will learn how lawyers who are leaders are more successful and fulfilled in their careers. Through interactive exercises, readings, and guest presentations, students will develop their capacity to lead with integrity by learning the role of values in leadership, how to deal with challenges, and how to assess risks. Students will gain insight into and develop their values, identity, and self-leadership. Topics include: competing leadership paradigms (e.g., power vs. service), the styles and practices of leaders, leading, values-based leadership, communicating as a leader, understanding yourself and others, leading change, and articulating a vision.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Raquel M. Ortiz



Course Description

This course is intended to provide the student with an understanding of the contexts in which family conflict arises, the various legal and practical issues in play when families disintegrate, and with in-depth training in the skills that a mediator might employ to help the divorcing parties resolve their differences. The course exposes the student to relevant factors and normative approaches used by courts in dividing property, determining child support, custody, visitation, and spousal support among other issues, while recognizing that parties in mediation are empowered to reach their own agreements with the aid of the mediator. Role playing exercises are used to integrate theory with practice.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Course Description

This course examines the underlying social and economic principles of family life, its regulation by government, and constitutional limitations on regulation. Direct laws covering marriage, divorce, and child custody will be examined but also the course will cover those areas of law--property, income maintenance, medical care, schooling and crime--that also have direct impact on families in this society.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Course Description

This course provides a survey of the federal income tax system as it relates to individual and business activity. Topics include code, regulation, and case analysis; tax policy, economics, and public finance; and tax legislation. Specific concepts included are income, exclusions, deductions, credits, tax accounting, and tax procedure.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law

Faculty Associated

Cory J. Bilodeau

Course Description

This course combines what has traditionally been taught in two separate courses on Pretrial Practice and Trial Advocacy. The idea behind this course is that federal litigation must be viewed holistically, meaning with an understanding and appreciation for the reality that litigation, from the filing of a complaint through trial, is an integrated process that begins with a well-pled complaint, proceeds through discovery, often involves substantive and dispositive motion practice, and ends (if it is not resolved earlier) at trial. The course is a full year long in order to mimic the actual life cycle of a case in federal court. Students will work on an actual case by drafting pleadings, taking/defending depositions, filing and arguing at least one dispositive motion, and ultimately trying the case before a judge and jury. In addition, throughout the year, students will receive lectures, practice exercises, and guest lectures on key aspects of litigation, including complaint drafting, deposition skills, settlement process and strategy, and trial tactics. This course will be taught primarily by a seasoned litigator and a faculty member, both of whom have practiced in federal court. The students will be split into teams and each team with have a lawyer-coach assigned to assist them. Judge William Smith of the U.S. District Court for the District of Rhode Island will attend a limited number of the class sessions and preside over some courtroom activities, as his schedule permits.

Course Type See Course Type Descriptions


Course Credits


Course Degree

Juris DoctorMaster of Studies in Law
Close Course Type Descriptions

Course Types

We have classified RWU Law classes under the following headers. One of the following course types will be attached to each course which will allow students to narrow down their search while looking for classes.

Core Course

Students in the first and second year are required to take classes covering the following aspects of the law—contracts, torts, property, criminal law, civil procedure, and constitutional law, evidence, and professional responsibility.  Along with these aspects, the core curriculum will develop legal reasoning skills.


After finishing the core curriculum the remaining coursework toward the degree is completed through upper level elective courses.  Students can choose courses that peak their interests or courses that go along with the track they are following.


Seminars are classes where teachers and small groups of students focus on a specific topic and the students complete a substantial research paper.


Inhouse Clinics and Clinical Externships legal education is law school training in which students participate in client representation under the supervision of a practicing attorney or law professor.  RWU Law's Clinical Programs offer unique and effective learning opportunities and the opportunity for practical experience while still in law school.