Library Blog
End of Semester Reminders

This time of year, is often associated with gratitude and peace. For higher education students, this time of year is often associated with stress and finals. It can be an extremely challenging time for law students.
The library has a few reminders:
- Please remember that sound carries in the library, especially when you are entering or leaving. Even whispers can be louder than you realize and distract your colleagues trying to study. While some students prefer to work in small groups in study rooms and appreciate the chatter of other students, some students prefer to study in silence.
- You can book a study room for individual or group study sessions. Please note that when you book a study room from 12/3 through the end of the fall exam period, the library staff will be strictly enforcing the study room policy. Please read the full policy to ensure you follow its terms.
- The library will be showing live streams of cute baby animals in our main computer classroom during reading days and finals. Whether you prefer adorable puppies or precious kittens, we have you covered! With the hope of giving, you a few moments of joy during your study breaks, we will have both. We have even featured jellyfish, which are not so cuddly but are hypnotic to watch, nonetheless. Please stop by the main computer classroom, you will oohh and ahh over our furry friends.
- Check out our library’s Stress Management, Mindfulness and Wellness guide. You will find lists of books and links to general resources for wellness. You will also find links to the RWU Fitness Center, where you can take a break and relax through exercise. If you need someone to talk to during exam times, or any other times, please contact the RWU Counseling Center. The Dean of Students Office at RWU Law is also available to provide resources and guidance for a wide variety of students needs and concerns.
- Remember to listen to your body. Being focused on your studies may lead to not fulfilling your basic needs. Use the HALT method--Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired-- to address your needs. These four states can affect your mood and behavior, ultimately damaging your work.
Remember the Law Librarians are here to answer your questions or to help point you in the right direction just Ask a Librarian.
Good luck with your finals!
Library Blog