Library Blog

The weekly library blog contains news, research resources, and information about library events. To view archived copies of library newsletters and blogs from 1996 to present, visit Docs@RWU.

  • Cup of Coffee with logo:What Good Shall I do This Day?

    The History of Lawyer Pro Bono Services

    The term "pro bono" comes from the Latin phrase “pro bono publico”, which means "for the public good." While that is clear enough, the history of attorneys providing services pro bono is long

  • Illustration of one of the Salem witch trials

    The Salem Witch Trials

    The Salem Witch trials started in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 and ended in 1693. According to Smithsonian Magazine there were more than 200 people accused of witchcraft and 20 of those people were

  • Rocks with the woods Body, Relax, Soul

    Wellness Week @ RWU Law

    Next week, the law school will be celebrating Wellness Week. The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as “ the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of

  • Human Rights Activism class at Duke in front of a downtown mural of Durham native Pauli Murray in the Fall of 2009

    Celebrating Black American Women in the Law

    The path to becoming a lawyer was not an easy one for the first Black American female lawyer, Charlotte E. Ray. According to, “during the 19th century, women were largely barred from the

  • Laptop computers

    Need Directed Research Help?

    In order to graduate RWU Law you must fulfill the writing requirement “under the direct supervision of a professor or director of an institute” during which you “must write an individually authored

  • Robot

    Artificial Intelligence & Law Practice

    According to computer scientist Andrew Moore, “artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of making computers behave in ways that, until recently, we thought required human intelligence.”

  • Wooden chest with e-resource logos

    ResearchFest: Fill Your Research Toolbox!

    Wednesday, August 28 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Law Library – Bristol Campus Efficient, effective research is one of the most valuable skills you can develop for your professional career. Legal Practice

  • Coffee mug

    Here’s To New Beginnings!

    On behalf of the RWU Law Library staff, welcome (back) to RWU Law. To our 1L students, we are eager to get to know and support you as you begin your law school journey with wide eyes and curious minds