Library Blog

The weekly library blog contains news, research resources, and information about library events. To view archived copies of library newsletters and blogs from 1996 to present, visit Docs@RWU.

  • MENTAL HEALTH in game tiles with a sprig of green leaves

    Mental Health in Law School

    October 10th is Law Student Mental Health Day. This day coincides with World Mental Health Day and it is a day that recognizes the stress, anxiety, mental and substance abuse issues among law students

  • Women lawyers in attendance at First Women Lawyers event dedicating a commemorative plaque at RWU Law

    Women in Law

    On October 27th, the Women's Law Society of Roger Williams University School of Law will hold its annual Women in Robes event. To help celebrate, the Law Library has prepared a virtual display of

  • Map of the world indicating location and number of downloads from Law Faculty Digital Repository Downloads, 2020-2021

    What People Think We Do – Faculty Services

    If you have been with us since the COVID-19 pandemic began, chances are that you might think that classroom tech support is a good chunk of our faculty services. Or perhaps you know that we also

  • Success - go get it. Written on a chalkboard

    Supporting the RWU Law Clinical Programs

    Experiential education is a touchstone of the work done at RWU Law. As librarians, we talk about “just in time” research instruction—learning about research tools and conducting research using these

  • Book cover. "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing" - Benjamin Franklin

    Formalized Legal Curiosity

    The book Dust Tracks on a Road ( ebook available at the University Library) is the autobiography of Black female American thinker and writer Zora Neale Hurston. In this 1942 work the author states,

  • Astronaut floating in space above Earth

    “Roger That”

    “ Roger That” might sound familiar to you. You may have heard or read this phrase watching or reading something concerning World War II. During World War II, the main form of communication was through

  • Welcome Back!

    Welcome (Back) Students, Faculty, and Staff!

    The RWU Law Library staff warmly welcomes our incoming 1Ls and returning 2Ls and 3Ls. We are excited to have students back in the building with us! We also welcome back our colleagues back on campus