Library Blog

The weekly library blog contains news, research resources, and information about library events. To view archived copies of library newsletters and blogs from 1996 to present, visit Docs@RWU.

  • Erin Orsini

    Meet the Staff: Erin Orsini

    Last academic year, the Legal Beagle introduced or re-introduced you to the members of the library staff. We continue the series this year, as we had a new staff member join us in September. This time

  • Hands typing on a keyboard with the Google logo and search bar above

    Using Google Advanced to Search a Specific Website

    Have you ever needed to find information on a website only to find the website has no search function? Or perhaps on a website with a weak search function (looking at you Inter-American Court of Human

  • Beagle running along path.

    Welcome Back!

    Welcome back to a new semester! This is not how we expected the semester to start but know that the library staff is here to help you whether classes are in person or remote. The staff and the Legal

  • Lighted lamp post with red bow on it with multi-colored lights in background

    Holiday Lights

    As we head into the holiday break, let us look at a cultural obsession this time of year: holiday lights. The advent of electric lights came as an answer to a problem: putting candles in Christmas

  • Coral in Nagoya Aquarium Japan

    Take a Nature Break - Aquarium Webcams

    The Legal Beagle, a Bristol resident who enjoys all that Mount Hope Bay has to offer during the summer, does not enjoy sitting by the bay in the chilly winter months. But the Beagle is a huge fan of

  • Self Care in letter tiles and 2 flowers

    Student Wellness

    Soon it will be finals time again. The end of the semester can be extremely stressful. You often hear the terms “self-care” and “student wellness” during this time. It is important to take care of

  • Macy's Thanksgiving Parade balloon handlers with Snoopy Balloon and 2 Star Shaped Balloon with "Macy's" logo

    Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

    With the Thanksgiving Holiday just around the corner, we want to highlight an event many of us enjoy, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. While the Macy’s Parade isn’t the oldest Thanksgiving parade

  • Covers of various study aid books

    Study! Outline! Exams!

    Need a little perspective on a complex issue in torts or contracts or evidence? Hit a thorny topic while working on your outlines and need some help fleshing it out? Need a little help practicing for