Library Blog

The weekly library blog contains news, research resources, and information about library events. To view archived copies of library newsletters and blogs from 1996 to present, visit Docs@RWU.

  • Water Place Park

    Waterfire and Riverfire!

    Legal Beagle wants to set the scene: people stroll the streets of Providence, almost 2/3 a mile of rivers are aglow with fire, gondolas glide along, music and the crackle of the fire fill the air. In

  • Image of Narragansett beach

    Rhode Island Beaches

    It’s summer time in Rhode Island and the Legal Beagle is ready to hit the beach with a picnic, iced coffee, and a beach chair! The Beagle may be found in said chair, in a few inches of water with a

  • Fish and Chips food truck.

    Food Trucks!

    The Legal Beagle is hungry! Did you know Rhode Islanders LOVE food? Rhode Island is home to some of the best eats anywhere and a great way to sample the deliciousness is food trucks. The variety is

  • Railroad tracks

    Rail Explorers

    Hello again from the Legal Beagle! Did you know that Rhode Island has spectacular coastline? One truly unique way to see stunning views of Narragansett Bay is to go on a Rail Explorers tour! The Legal

  • Crowd of people dancing outside

    Outdoor Music around Rhode Island

    Greetings from the Legal Beagle! The days are warming up and it is the perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy some live music. There are many options, so here’s a few to get you started! Newport is

  • Cassette tape with tape pulled out.

    Music and Studying: Friends or Frenemies?

    This time of year at law school is associated with different verbs; studying, graduating, writing, interviewing, and outlining are a few of those words! The mood in the library changes a bit during

  • Spring flowers

    Spring Is Here!

    Papers, final exams, graduation, summer jobs, externships, and bar exams are just around the corner. While these may seem like reasons for stress or panic, take a pause and consider this. There are

  • Illustration of Skype job interview

    Looking for Work?

    Most law students agree, having a job when you are done with law school is preferable to not having a job. But how does one go about getting a job? One great resource is the RWU Office of Career

  • Nathan Pracht

    Meet the Staff: Nate Pracht

    This year the Legal Beagle is featuring blog posts which introduce you (or re-introduce you) to our hard-working and amazing staff. As we get near the end of our Meet the Staff posts, the Beagle is