Library Blog

The weekly library blog contains news, research resources, and information about library events. To view archived copies of library newsletters and blogs from 1996 to present, visit Docs@RWU.

  • Mulled wine

    Welcome to the holiday season!

    We here at the Legal Beagle wish you the most relaxing winter break and hope that you have a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends. Strangely enough, this wasn’t always the case for Rhode

  • Stacked rocks

    De-stress during finals

    This time of year is often associated with gratitude and peace. For students, this time of year is often associated with stress and finals. It can be an extremely challenging time for law students

  • Study Aids

    Exam Study Resources

    As finals loom over us, it is a great time to take advantage of the study aids and eBooks that the library has to offer. What can be better than free? In terms of study aids, we have extensive guides

  • CALI Logo with graph of today's top topics

    CALI Lessons

    With the end of the semester and finals quickly approaching, some of you may be searching for resources that will aid you in your studying. CALI or The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction

  • Mental Health Matters

    Law School and Mental Health

    According to the World Health Organization, depression is a common mental health disorder that affects an estimated 5% of the world’s adult population. Some studies suggest that lawyers experience

  • Two laptop computers and papers with writing.

    Topic Selection & Directed Research

    To graduate from RWU Law, each student must complete the school’s writing requirement “under the direct supervision of a professor or director of an institute” during which the student “must write an

  • "Passion Led Us Here" on sidewalk

    Support for Experiential Learning

    Experiential education is a touchstone of the work done at RWU Law. Participation in the clinical programs provides students with hands-on experience. Our series of Law Clinic Guides are designed to

  • Reference & Research Services staff (l to r): Jessica Silvia, Misty Peltz-Steele, Lindsay Koso, Erin Orsini

    Meet the Reference/Research Staff

    This summer brought many changes to the library staff--one retired, another moved closer to family, and two others moved on to new challenges that use their skills and experience working at the

  • Welcome

    Welcome (Back)!

    The RWU Law Library staff would like to welcome all our Law School Students! We are excited to get to know the 1Ls students as you begin your law school journey. We are eager to welcome back the 2L