Library Blog

The weekly library blog contains news, research resources, and information about library events. To view archived copies of library newsletters and blogs from 1996 to present, visit Docs@RWU.

  • Computer monitors hooked up to a laptop - docking station

    Renovate and Innovate!

    Welcome back! We want to make the library as usable as a space as possible for you. We always try to find new ways to improve our spaces and provide innovative services. Here are some changes this


    ResearchFest: There’s something for everyone

    What do study aid libraries, online newspapers, legislative history collections, and streaming movies have in common? They are all among the resources being showcased at this year’s ResearchFest! Join

  • black and brown eyeglasses on book on brown wooden table

    Welcome (Back) Law Students!

    The RWU Law Library staff would like to welcome all our Law School Students! We are excited to get to know the 1L students as you begin your law school journey. We are anxious to welcome back the 2L

  • Celebrating the Achievements of the Class of 2024 with a doctoral tam.

    Celebrating the Class of 2024

    The library staff will join the RWU Law faculty and staff tomorrow in celebration of you, the class of 2024. Your time here has not gone unnoticed. You came to the library early and often to study

  • Female student on computer in classroom. Small group of students behind her talking.

    Exam Time Stress & Wellness

    Final exams are upon us again at RWU Law. It can be an extremely challenging time for law students. The Law Library has several suggestions that can help you reduce your stress levels; we also offer a

  • 3 classic race cars with the words "Ready...Set...Library"

    National Library Week

    Get your racing outfit on as we celebrate a beloved part of our law school this week, the library. Each year, the American Library Association (ALA) announces a week in the spring to celebrate

  • Human like robot holding scales of justice

    Please Use AI, Responsibly

    Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI) these days. And everyone includes legal educators and law librarians. The news broke in 2023 that GPT-4 aced the bar exam, and the story

  • Building blocks with text

    Legal News via

    The library recently licensed for use by RWU Law students, faculty, and staff. provides legal news from national and local sources, covering all aspects of the legal industry including

  • Laptop showing the RWU LawGuides home page

    Librarians Consult Library Guides

    You will too if you are wise. Library guides are—well, guides to researching specific topics or, in the case of law guides, specific areas of law. They are a collection of resources recommended by the